Friday, January 29, 2010

I Love You!

Good Morning! Only 2 more weeks until Valentine's Day! What will you be doing for your valentine this year? I haven't quite decided yet, hmm..... Well, I just wanted to share the cookies that my girls and I made last night with you. They were very yummy! I think today I'm gonna make some cupcakes for my coworkers since I am suppose to work tonight. Maybe they will love me for it! He! He! I'll share those with you too once those are done. I just love all the super cute things for Valentine's day! I love all the reds and pinks and glitters and hearts! I love romantic movies and love stories and Romeo and Juliet and well you get the picture! But most of all let's not fail to mention the greatest love story ever told! Just remember to share some love today and everyday for that fact!


P.S. I'm still working on the ETSY shop! I've got a couple more things to post but I haven't been able to get any good pictures!


  1. Hey girl!!! Your Aunt Linda is so proud of you. Where did you come from? You must get this artsy side from your dad's side of the family!!Love you and so impressed with all you have become!

  2. Thanks Aunt Linda! Well, you know Granny is a sewing genius too! He! He! Thanks for reading my blog and leaving a comment! I love to get comments!
