Thursday, May 6, 2010

My sewing fun!

It's another coupon purse!
I think this one will be in a giveaway at a coupon workshop on May 15th!
Wonder who will win? Hmm....
How about we do a giveaway on the blog soon? I've got another coupon purse in the works so get ready for a giveaway on the blog! I'll be sure to let you know when this will happen!

Okay, on to the next sewing adventure! It's a dress I made for my youngest daughter Lola! I made a matching shorts outfit for my oldest daughter Emma.
This first picture is the back of the dress. I'm most proud of the zipper. I'm getting better at putting in the zippers. :)

My sister is making some great headbands with big flowers to match the outfits so I'm gonna get some great pictures of the girls! I just might have to post those too so you can see how cute it will be.


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