Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Am I old yet?

Well Hello Again! It's been a while since I've blogged
about anything so I thought I'd let ya know what's been going on.
There are so many changes happening in my life right now
I'm not sure where to start................
Hmmmm.......How about:


Well, here we are..... It is December which means
Christmas time and Birthday time! It is exciting except for this year
I am turning 30. You know I can remember thinking 30 was old,
but now I guess well,
I still think it's................ OLD! :) He! He! Just kidding.
Here is a picture above of my sister and I. Yes, we get to experience every birthday together since we are twins! And for that I am so grateful! When I was young I don't think I saw it as a blessing b/c when your little you want all the attention, presents and cake, right? Well, now as I am getting older I'm thankful that she is there to experience it all with me!

Since it was a big b'day my wonderful husband with the help of his sisters and mom gave me a surprise party!
It was so sweet! I've never had a surprise party
and let me tell you, I just loved it!
I felt so special!

I even got a frappucino maker! I absolutely love those cold coffee drinks!
These types of drinks are a little fattening though.

Here is the cake they made for my sister.
You know you can't celebrate my birthday without hers! :)
It is ms. pac man! Do you remember that game from the eighties?

Check out the tape they made for me!
Yummy, chocolate cake! Well, it was such a fun evening.
We even listened to eighty's music too! The eighty's were a good time for music, I think.

So along with Christmas time and birthday time we have a lot more going on! We are now the owners of a mini-van! HA! HA! Now you know, I am old! On the actual day of my birthday we went and got a mini-van. I know, I know it's crazy! But, with the third child coming this spring/summer it was something that was needed. Oh yeah, that is another thing happening. A new BABY! PLUS, my husband has been promoted and we are moving! I think these next couple of months are going to be a little bit CRAZY!

My first frappe's! This is a caramel cappuccino frappe.

Mint Chocolate Chip!
Chocolate is the best ingredient ever!

Hope you had a Merry Christmas and make sure to have a Happy NEW YEAR!


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