Friday, July 2, 2010

Cinderelly, Cinderelly Night & Day It's Cinderelly!

Have you missed me?
Well, guess what? I am finally posting a new cake! I have been sort of taking a summer break for a while to just have FUN with my girls! It's been nice taking a break! But my nieces have had some birthdays so I had to come off of my break and make em a little somethin!

They love Cinderella so I decided to try my hand at it! And well, my cake hands had been taking a break so I guess I was getting a little rusty! I did have to do it in a little bit of a hurry as well! I've been busy trying to get things together for a trip to London that we will be taking soon and also getting the kids ready and registered for some different things next year, plus it has been too HOT outside to be baking in this kitchen!

Pumpkin Carriages,
who would have ever thought a pumpkin
could get you home on time anyway?

Cinderella is a little frumpy I think, but you know I just added a little sparkle and we all know sparkles makes anything pretty! If you notice she is only wearing one shoe, I did this on purpose b/c if you didn't see her other shoe is on top of the cake!!!! ;)
It may be a size too big though?

This is the second pillow cake I've ever made and I think this one turned out much better than the first one I made. Too cute!

Okay, I hope your day is wonderful and here is a cupcake for ya! Enjoy! I made them just for you!

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