Friday, November 18, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

 Pumpkin Spice Cake balls!!!

These were SO yummy!

Our baking we did this week included these yummy balls of pumpkin spice cake with cream cheese frosting dipped in chocolate candy melts!  Here is the recipe if your interested:  pumpkin spice cake balls!

It's almost time for Thanksgiving!  
What are you thankful for?
I'm most thankful for Jesus coming into this world to die on a cross for me and YOU and rising again 3 days later!  He did that to pay the penalty for our sin and to purchase a place in heaven for us so that we could know Him and have a relationship with Him!  Now He is in heaven offering us the free gift of eternal life.  All we have to do is trust in Jesus Christ alone for that eternal life!  We can't earn heaven and we don't deserve it being the sinners that we are!  But God loves us so much that He did send His only Son!  

Now, about these cookies.....

Whoooo do you think ate this cookie?
Actually, Lola ate it for breakfast I think.

We packaged up some of the cake balls and turkey sugar cookies   and sent them to work with daddy!  I think the people he works with are enjoying our cooking days too!

Are you ready for a sneak peek?  
I'm getting ready to put some items up for sale in my Etsy shop.

 First of all Huey is sitting up!  
The next thing is his cute little self and 
third is the adorable 

There will be some in the shop very soon!  
They will be $7.00 a piece.  

Hope you have a truly 


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