Thursday, December 8, 2011

Merry Christmas!

 Do you like our little Christmas tree?  
It's kinda small, but it'll doo!  
We don't have much room, so this is what we have this year.  
I think it's kinda cute...

 Emma and Lola have been sewing!  They are making their very own Christmas stockings for this year.  They had a lot of fun and I must say that I was very impressed with their determination to learn this new skill!  Of course, guess who ended up having to finish these stockings?  I did.  It's okay though, I was very proud of how much they actually sat and did by themselves.  They love to learn that's for sure.

 We are still cooking too!  Can you believe it?  This week we made peanut butter cup cookies and chocolate fudge.  We once again sent it to work with daddy!  Something we have discovered through these many weeks of cooking is that Lola LOVES to cook, but Emma has decided she would just rather read the recipe to us while we do the cooking.
 Now, next week we will be on a grand adventure so we won't be doing any cooking.  I'll be sure to post pictures later, SO here we are in our Santa hats wishing you a Merry Christmas!!!


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