Monday, December 19, 2011

Gatlinburg~ Long picture post!

To start things off let me say we had such a fun week last week!  We went to Tennessee and here are some pictures of our family adventure.  There are a lot, but ya know what, I could've posted MORE!  :)
 Here we are, on our way.....had to make a stop at the local Waffle House for some morning coffee and waffles!  Check out Huey's hair do.  Little frizzy, if I do say so myself, but man, that kid has got some curly, un-tameable hair!

Our first order of business in the Smoky Mountains was none other than Cades Cove!

 Hey, he's teething....what can I say, everything needs a little slob!

 We saw some snow!  Wahooo, Emma was "cuttin a rug!"

 We also saw pretty waterfalls!

 Emma and Lola enjoyed mornings on the porch with a cup of coffee.  Come on, you know you drank it when you were 6 years old too.  That's why your short, right?

 Here he is, looking like he's getting ready to fly his very own little plane!  All strapped in with the hat and all.  He left his bomber jacket in the car.  :)

 On the tram going up the mountain....ugh, it made me a little queasy.
 Daniel was doing his little circle move and then............



 Pawpaw was brave and ice skated too!

 Seems like I got several of these shots!

 Is that Nancy Kerrigan?
  Oh wait, no that's my very own husband!!!


 On the way down the mountain in the tram we saw one of the hotels on fire.  It was pretty scary looking!

Having fun with grandma at the pizza place!

 They went rock wall climbing!
Isn't she cute?

 Doing a little dancing....

 Laying on the Bed of Nails, da,da,daaaaaa!

 Everyone that has ever visited Gatlinburg has probably had one of these made.

 Getting ready for the loooong drive home.
 They were pooped!

And that was our first family vacation as a five membered family!  Huey did wonderfully!  And we all had a great time!

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