Tuesday, December 27, 2011

New Year's resolutions!!!

 It's that time of year again......time for some New Year's resolutions!  SO here we go:

1.  Get dressed before noon!
(You laugh, but this is so true!)

2. Play more, work less!!!
(The laundry can wait, right?) 

3.  Wear something other than sweatpants to the grocery store.
(aah, who am I kidding, it's a good day if I even get to grocery store!  :)) 

 4.  I will stop washing the same bowl over and over again in the dishwasher hoping it comes out clean at some point.  I will take it out and wash it by hand! (Emma loves microwavable oatmeal, but man, that stuff sticks to the bowl!)

 5.  I will clean out all the french fries from under the seat in the back of the van, but I'm gonna have to leave the crumbs until I can find some extra time to vacuum it out.  (hmm... extra time?)
6.  I will read more.  (ha, ha!  right!)
7.  Maybe this will be the year I learn how to crochet!
8.  I will exercise more.  Or I guess I mean, start exercising!  :)
9.  I will bake more cakes.  (That's what this blog was for in the first place.  Probably won't happen though.)
10.  Be the best wife and mother I can be, because God has blessed me so very much!
and finally and MOST importantly......
11.  Tell more people about the most awesome gift that I've been given!

Happy New Year!!!


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