Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Change of address

It's been a busy week or so for sure! We have been so blessed to have moved out of our little 2 bedroom apt. and into a house in a great little neighborhood! I am posting this from my phone because we don't have Internet just yet, so I'm not sure what order these pictures will post in.

I've taken a picture to show you what I'm most excited about....The KITCHEN! I'm hoping to make some cakes and such on all this counter space! I'm also gonna have some good space to get all my sewing stuff out. Emma and Lola are excited to have their bikes out of storage!!! Now we've got to get to learning to ride without training wheels...Emma has her momma's tendency to be a worry wart so this is gonna be a big step for her. Well, there's some exciting stuff coming up so I'll be sure to post! I've made some decisions on the homeschool issues as well that we are all excited about! I'll post more on that later too. Any who, I've got to get some boxes unpacked, so I hope your weather is as great as ours has been: SUNNY AND COOL!

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