Sunday, August 12, 2012

It's just been one of those weeks.....

What a week this has been!  I've had better, trust me.
Huey has been sick this week so that has given me a bit of a challenge since we just started school and I'm learning as we go along how to juggle each task with each child!  
And then, 
wouldn't ya know, 
I'm awakened in the middle of the night last night to 
Emma being sick!

we started school on Thursday of last week and it has been interesting I would say.  This is definitely a new undertaking and I really think the girls are enjoying it so far, although it's only been a week.  :)    

 I am excited to let you know that I was able to get some sewing done yesterday on my dress that I'm making from the vintage pattern I bought! I can't wait to finish it and I'm hoping next week I'll be able to show it to you!

Check out our earthworm fun!
Kinda gross....

Oh well, here's to hoping for a better week!
One more thing, Daniel only has ONE more week of school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I'm beyond excited about this!  He has done an amazing job and I'm so proud of him!

P.P.S.  I am gonna take better pictures this week!  :)



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