Wednesday, August 1, 2012

School starts tomorrow!

Guess who's walking!
He's kinda wobbly but it sure is cute.
I even posted a video for you since it was just the cutest thing.
He is growing so fast.

  In other good news, I've received my pattern I bought!  I checked it out and all the pieces are there and looks to be in very good condition!  I've gotten some fabric and I can't wait to get started!

I'm trying to decide which version of the pattern I want to do.  Should we have a bow or no bow on the peplum?
Peplum, hmm....what a word.  :)

  I'm not sure how long this dress will take me to make since we are about to start school tomorrow.  It could be Christmas!  Let's hope not!!!  I'm hoping to be able to put some time on the weekends and evenings into this dress.  I have to be careful though, I tend to get in a hurry when I'm sewing and end up thinking if I just would've taken my time the result would've been so much better!  I'm not sure why I don't take my time, I guess I just get excited and want to see the finished project.  I know what your thinking, there are so many life lessons in that scenario!

 Well, it's been a fun summer, full of just plain adventure!
Being back from India has brought lots of questions.  I'm hoping to write more on that soon.  We will see..... 

 Speaking of life lessons, we had some milestones reached this summer as well.  Emma learned how to ride her bike.

 Huey got glasses.......

 And Lola, well.....

 Lola is just being Lola!

I'm so excited for tomorrow and the girls are too!  It's gonna be a great year,  I just know it!  Between learning how to pray and why we pray, ant farms, jars full of earthworms, nature journals, cello and dance lessons, french lessons, all kinds of experiments and learning about all kinds of cultures, we should be having so much fun I think.  I guess we're gonna find out!

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