Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Where to start with Homeschooling


Well,  it's been a long time since I've written anything, so today is the day that I decided it was time for an update.  It's really because I have had several people contact me asking me questions about how to home school.  I decided I would love to sit down and just write out what I know and maybe it would help someone else, so here goes.  :)
First let's do a quick update.  Time has flown by. As of my very last post the girls had started public school.  That was about 9 months ago.  The girls did very well in public school.  They went from August until November.  Then we decided to take them back out due to the fact that we were moving.  They were happy to come back home and home school even though they were doing just fine.  They told me they were glad they went but it was good to get back to what we were doing.   I'm not someone that thinks public school is bad; it's just different for each person.  Whatever you believe God is calling you to do is what you should do.

This makes the 5th year that we have been doing home school.  Wow, it's been that long?  You would think I should know everything about how to do this perfectly by now, but, sad to say I don't and I am always learning.  Trying new things with home schooling and figuring out how to do it better is always something I am always interested in.  First, I want to say that we take it year by year.  We re-evaluate every summer about how things have gone and what we'd like to change but mostly through praying and listening for Him to guide our steps. Alright, so you want to home school?  Here's a list of some things to start with:
1.) Pray:  It's so important to put God first in every thing you do and He will bless you for it.  I can never say that enough.

2.) Research (Google will be your friend): Look at all types of curriculum and decide what you think looks like something you and your children would enjoy and what would work for your family.  There are all kinds of curriculum out there.  DVD classes with teachers or Parent taught curriculum.  All sorts of different priced curriculum as well.  Decide on what your price range would be.  Remember you can always re sell your curriculum after your done.  There are even some free resources out there.  One site I have found that is a great resource is called www.allinonehomeschool.com .  It's such a great site.
Just to name a few of the different types of curriculum out there:  Sonlight, Abeka, My Father's World, Classical Conversations, Alpha Omega Publications, Christian Light Publications.  You can also pull from different curriculum to create your own.  There is so much out there.  I also like to follow a blog called http://www.confessionsofahomeschooler.com/  .  She always has a lot of great information on her site.  She even has a book you can read to help you get started.  I haven't read it, but I do love to get great ideas from her blog.
When we began home schooling we started with Abeka.  I thought Abeka did a good job with phonics and teaching the child how to read.  As the girls got older though we decided we wanted to try something different that was hopefully a little more fun.  Then we used My Father's World and I have to say that the year we used that curriculum was probably one of the most fun years we have had doing this.  They learned a lot through hands on activities with that one.  So, I'm thinking that is what we are going to continue with this coming year.
3.) State Requirements: Another thing is looking at what your state requires for you to be doing as you home school.  In my state we need to have a covering, which is like a private school or group that keeps paperwork or records for your home school. We have paperwork to fill out and submit to the school board as well.   The HSLDA website is a good place to start.  https://www.hslda.org/laws/
4.) Co-Op or extra curricular activities: This is something totally optional but I think is a good thing to consider.  Co-Ops are something I'm new to.  This is my first year being apart of a group that has a Co-Op and the kids have really enjoyed the classes.  They have made some friends that they see regularly once a week at these classes and have just enjoyed going.  My girls also take cello and violin lessons and Emma is apart of a string academy group.  There are all sorts of things you can do as you home school that you just don't have the time to do when you are in regular schooling.
5.) Have Fun:  Looking at all that we have done I will say that having fun is so important to learning.  There will be good days and I hate to say it but there will be bad days.  :(  You know, days where you have had your fill and your thinking why in the world did I ever even think that this is something I could do!  :)  There will be times that you just aren't sure your kids are getting what they need or that they are where they should be.  Just remember that nothing is gonna ever be perfect. There are test that you can have your children do that will show the areas they need help in. 
I have to say, I think everyone will probably have a different experience.  This is just what I've learned from my own experiences.  We have had a good time with homeschooling.  Yes, there have been some bad days and days where I decided this was not for me.  But, I take a step back when I reach that point and pray. Through lots of support from my husband I have been able to enjoy this adventure with the kids and I will treasure the time spent with them!
There are pros and cons to everything.  Ask God what He would have for your family.  He will lead you if you will just ask Him to.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;  in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.  Proverbs 3:5-6

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