Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Loaf that just well......loafed!

Here it is, the blueberry-apple LOAF! It has crumbled sugar and cinnamon on top! You see it? It is quite yummy, the top part of the bread that is! Yes, I baked this from scratch today. The recipe had pureed apples in it, and I doubled the recipe since my loaf pan is two times bigger than a normal one. Well, the bread came out kinda chewy in the middle and I'm guessing I put too many apples in it. :( Oh well, if you cut a slice of the top layer it is really good at least. My husband and my younger daughter really liked it but of course we must remember they eat anything! Just kidding, I was just a little disappointed in the way it turned out!
At least it's a pretty loaf!
I like saying that...... LOAF! Are you a big loaf? I hope not!


1 comment:

  1. I must say i was disappointed i didn't get to taste this loaf! Hope you try to do it over and save me a piece, maybe you owe the whole Sunday school class a redo! :0 j/k
