Monday, January 30, 2012

Growing and Sewing~

Time to see!

It's been a couple of weeks I guess since I've posted anything.  I've just been busy, busy, busy!  It's so hard to find just a little bit of time to actually write anything.  If I have any extra time, I feel like I need to do laundry, clean something or cook, or maybe something like sewing!  Sewing is my favorite.  I just wish I had a good sewing area and more time to do it!  Right now my sewing machine is sitting on the coffee table and every time I start a project it seems like I make huge mess in the living room!  One day I hope to have my own craft room!  That would be fun!   I did get to sew something this week by the way!  But FIRST...... 
Look how fast he's growing!  His hair gets curlier and curlier.  He is the sweetest baby....

 Now on to the project that I completed this week!
Fingerless Wrist Warmers

 Lola thinks these gloves are pretty stylish!

Emma likes them as well.

 I'm gonna put some in my Etsy shop too!  I know what your thinking.......
What in the world happened to the cooking posts?  Well, we have not had a cooking day in a while.  We will begin again soon though!

I need some more fun recipes I think.  I just haven't been inspired lately.  Some other things have come up and well I'm just trying to stay focused on getting these girls homeschooled and do a good job with it.  Some days seem kinda crazy with a baby and homeschooling and every thing else that needs to get done.

Any who, I hope you have a fun week! 
Stay creative!  


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