Saturday, January 14, 2012

Taking a quick look back!

Here we are, deep into January and today I had a thought.....
the thought that this past year went by SO quickly!
When I was little it seemed that time could not go by fast enough.  And now, it just goes by, well, too fast!  It's been a good year though.  We have made lots and lots of things!  Emma and Lola learned how to sew their own Christmas stockings. 

 We sold our house and moved twice this year!  We've had a lot of fun!

We had a new addition to the family that I seem to cannot stop playing dress up with! (He'll thank me for all these cute pictures when he's older, I just know it!)


 He's already getting so big so QUICKLY!  Look at his tiny little self in this picture, so SWEET!

There's been some crazy times....

 Projects have been started, 
and memories have definitely been made!

There's been a lot of waiting........

 And good things have come from the waiting!

Even the thickest, curliest head of hair you could imagine on a 6 month old....

Yes, it's been a year that I'm sure has created a lot of memories!  Can't wait to see what next year's memories will be!
"However, as it is written: No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him." 1Corinthians 2:9

Oh, I have also discovered how awesome a french press can be!


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