Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Coupon Binder 2

 Hey There!  
Well, it's been an interesting couple of weeks.  
Way to busy to be able to do anything crafty!  
I had a little bit of a rough week about 2 weeks ago.  It turns out that I think I am allergic to some new softner I had been using!  
I now have a new respect for people who are allergic to anything.  Not that I didn't before, but I guess it's just not something you really think about until it happens to you.  Anyway, I'm thankful it's done and I'm being very careful with the new products I buy!  Lesson learned was:


Lola pulled her own tooth!  She's so proud and so am I!

I was able to make some new coupon binder purses this week!  They are in the shop waiting to be bought. 

I think the chickens are pretty cute!  


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