Monday, March 12, 2012

Smiling in the bathtub

 Hey Ya'll!  I'm back from the twilight zone!  :)  Well, not really but it sure feels that way sometimes!  It seems life is happening so quickly these days with 3 kiddos.  We are still homeschooling away and Huey is crawling now!  I can't believe that in 2 months he will actually be one year old!  I remember when I first posted about having him and how I couldn't figure out how to function smoothly with all 3 kids in tow!  Update: I still haven't figured it out!  :) 

 We made some yummy homemade egg rolls!  They were delicious!  I ate all the leftovers for lunch the next day!  They were very easy to make.  Just a bag of coleslaw mix with some other things and the egg roll wrappers and wa-la!  All I needed was some fried rice and sweet n sour chicken!  Mmmm...

 Here is a short clip of his beginnings with the crawling.  He is much better now and into EVERYTHING!  

 More teeth gone.....

 And Huey is pulling up like it's nothing now.
We also celebrated our 11 year anniversary last weekend!  I can't believe it's been 11 years.  Time really does fly when your havin fun!  It's been a good 11 years filled with some fun times.  We have definitely grown as a couple and I'm so thankful for him!  

Anyway, that's a short update for now!
Happy Daylight Savings time week!


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