Saturday, April 7, 2012

Come back Cake!!!

It's been a busy couple of weeks, and look I actually made it into one of the photos!  We went to New Orleans one Saturday and went to some shops that I had been wanting to visit.  We picked a rough weekend to go though, because it was the final four weekend down there.  You know, something to do with basketball.  I'm not a big sports fan so I wasn't quite sure what that was about.  Oh well.  New Orleans is already one of those places I always think we should go and have lots of fun, but then once I'm there I think...Hm....okay, we came, we can go home now.  :)  It's kinda stressful with the kiddos, ya know?  Heh! Heh!  
I know, I need to chill out!

 We were able to make some fun things this week too.  Chocolate dipped peeps with sprinkles! 

I actually made a cake!  It's been a while since I've made one and I had to do it fairly quick.  My little bubby(Huey) has been sick this week with a cold and a double ear infection.  :(  He is stuck to my side when he feels good so he really didn't want to let me go since he's feeling bad.  Daniel did a good job distracting him for a while though!

She says she's gonna be a chef when she grows up.  :o)


 I have good news............



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