Thursday, March 29, 2012

Chips, Salsa and Target

 Here he is, "the man of steel".  You guessed it, SUPERMAN!
Look what I've been doing lately.  It all started with this app on my iphone called Instagram.  It's this neat little picture taking app.  I started following some people on there and seeing all the treasures they find at thrift stores!  So I decided to check out my own in search of some vintage treasures.  Here is what I've found so far! 

 I do have to say that it seems these other people find such great things, but the stores around here do not seem to have very much.  I'm sure you have to look and look to really find some great things, so I'll keep looking.  With 3 kids it's hard to spend too much time looking through piles of stink. 

 It's Spring time!
Look at this cutie in her softball helmet.  :)  That's my niece Cambree just coming back in the dugout after some great batting at her first softball game!  He! He!

 We've also been doing some spring cleaning.  Look at the bags and bags of stuff I've pulled out of the girls room!  It's CRAZY what all was in that room.  I decided it was high time to take care of it.  It took me a whole week to go through it all.  Ridiculous!!!


 This was just another vintage jewel I saw while out at the thrift store.  I decided to let someone else score this amazing find though! ;)

 It's looking like we will be ending our stay here as well.  Hopefully I'll be able to tell you more about that.  Let's just say, I am glad!

One thing I have enjoyed here is the local Super Target.  It has been great being so close to it!  We went yesterday in fact and Huey begged to try on these Miami-Vice like white loafers.  You need not worry, I didn't buy them although I really thought they complimented his hair doo. 

 He's 10 months old this month and this top picture pretty much sums up what he's been up to.  You see those little feet and no face because every time I sit him down he's on the move crawling away!

Here he is already combing his curly locks.  :)  Okay, he can't actually brush his own hair yet, but I gotta start early teaching him how with this head of hair he's been given!

And another milestone (no, it's not folding laundry), he is pulling up everywhere!

 Soon, I'll be posting some pictures hopefully of some sewing I've done.  Here is the fabric that I plan to use for some summer dresses I want to make for the girls.

 Another something I want to do is paint this table and make a really cute table cloth!  I've got some ideas so you'll have to wait and see! 

 2 more months and this little guy with the cute jeans on is gonna be the big 1 year old!  I've started thinking about what we are gonna do for his birthday.  I saw a cake this morning from and thought it was the cutest thing!
 I'm all of a sudden craving some chips & salsa!

Adios Amigos!


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