Thursday, July 19, 2012

A new school year, a new curriculum, new pencils too!

A new school year is fast approaching and I've been getting ready for it this week.  I thought I'd give you a peek at what our year looks like with homeschooling!

The girls are so excited about this year.  The past 2 years we have been doing the Abeka academy program online.  It's a great program but not too much for the little ones I think.  So this year we are changing it up.  Momma is gonna be the teacher!  Aaaagh!  I am excited but honestly I'm quite nervous as well.  I've got all these questions on my mind like, how am I gonna teach a first grader and fourth grader at the same time as well as keep up with a 15 month old?  I'll keep updating as I figure these things out!  :)

Emma is so excited to start learning French this year!  She says she wants to go to Paris, France.  I'm just a proud momma.  Oui! Oui!

I'm so excited about all the stuff I'm going to be learning this year!  Oops, I mean that Emma and Lola will be learning!  :)

My Father's World looks like such a great program!  Look at all the missionaries we will be reading about.

So many fun projects.......
We will be learning about all the different countries and cultures.

 Musical instruments....  Emma is going to be taking cello lessons and Lola wants to take dance.
Such great materials this curriculum has!

We will also do a nature journal taking the Charlotte Mason approach.  I wasn't too sure about who she was but I read a book about her method and it was very interesting.  This is another thing they are very excited about doing.  Nature walks with the nature journal....
The MATH.....

Incentives....Hmmmm???  They get one sticker just for being so excited about it all!  Hopefully the enthusiasm stays a long time.
Well, this is gonna be our year.  Studying the world and different cultures, nature journals, projects, etc....  I'm looking forward to it and I'll be posting a cake this weekend!


1 comment:

  1. Yay! So exciting and the curriculum looks fun! I can't wait to read updates throughout the year. I know it will go really well, I'm just eager to hear details of the things you and the girls like best, so please keep us posted!
