Thursday, August 18, 2011

Updates are kewwwwwwl

My husband went back to
London this summer!

He brought back some yummy
pictures of cake things I thought I'd share!

They visited a store called Harrod's
and he found a cute cake shop
named Lola's inside!

So pretty!

I have been busy with this little man this summer! But, I have missed cakes and sewing. Soooo, I decided for fun that my girls and I are going to do a fun little project together.

We are going to take this "I love Sugar" cookbook and each week make a dessert from this book in order until we have made every recipe in this book! Emma and Lola are so excited and I'm sure it will be a fun time together! So I'll be posting each week about our new dessert we make! I'm thinking part of the project is going to be finding someone to give the dessert to so we don't gain 100 LB's! I did just have a baby 3 months ago!

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