Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Week 1

Week 1:
Chocolate Fudge Cake

Today we made our first recipe! It was a chocolate fudge cake from scratch. The girls had so much fun! I even let them crack the eggs. WOW! It was a great project to do and they can't wait for Wednesdays(the day we will be making our recipes).

They even each have their very own aprons that I made for them. I'll have to post a close up of those next week! I put their initial on it. :)

So for my little man, we had a photo shoot. He loved every moment of it! Can't you tell by the first photo! He had to wear his cowboy hat and mustache.

I told him the mustache was just a little too much, but he begged me to let him wear it! I also told him it was fuzzy....

"Hay, it's me Huey" he says....

Like I said, HE LOVED IT!

Doesn't that smile make you melt?
I think SO!


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