Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Week 2

I wanted to show you the aprons
I made for Emma & Lola
for our cooking project.
Well, here they are.
They picked out their own fabric.

Here is Emma's apron.
Zebra zebra zebra!

Mommy's apron!!!

Week 2 is complete!
We made a
Chocolate & Cherry Gateau
It was an interesting tasting recipe. I must say although it is very pretty with it's cute little cherries it was not all that great. In fact Emma & Lola tasted a piece and neither one wanted to eat it. I'm quite disappointed since those cherries were very expensive! Last week's recipe was not very good either. I'm wondering if the recipes in this book are BOBO. I may have to find a new recipe book for our Wednesday cooking fun.

Chocolate & Cherry Gateau


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