Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Mocha Chocolate Chip Cookies

Hey friends!  It is week 4 already of our cooking Wednesdays and time is flying by!  Before we get into that though Huey wanted to show you his new shoes.  Pretty snazzy if I do say so myself.  :)

 We've had a busy week.  Friday was our fun day and for fun we went to a birthday party.  Good times were had by everyone!  Happy Birthday Kaila!

Speaking of birthdays Emma had a birthday as well.  So 
HaPpY bIrThDaY EmMa!!!!
 Now on to our cooking project for today!

 Today we made Mocha Chocolate Chip Cookies

Everyone is beginning to really look forward to these cooking days.  My husband even said he thought about it at work today and wondered what sweets we would be making today! 


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