Thursday, September 22, 2011

Popcorn Balls!!!

 It's been a long week!
I'm not sure why, I just have to say that it's been long.
Huey is now the big 4 mo. :)
He is getting older and wiser, or maybe just cuter!


 The recipe this week we chose to do was PoPcOrN balls!  I've never had popcorn balls and it seems this is sort of a fall recipe.  So here is the link:  Best Ever Popcorn Balls Recipe

I guess we just gave up on the recipe book we had.  It was just TOO much chocolate!  Never thought I'd say that, but it's true.  Two thumbs down for the cook book!  But thanks to my husband's request we made this. 

It was pretty good if you just LOVE popcorn.  I don't think I'm really a popcorn lover and maybe that's why I wasn't so impressed.  But my husband on the other hand loved them.  The girls were not very excited to eat one either.  Oh well, guess there's always next week.


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