Sunday, October 9, 2011


 I will start by saying I'm a little late as usual with my weekly post but I have good reason this week.  We had a birthday party for Emma & Lola today.  So as you can see by the many pictures I have this week to post I have been extremely BUSY!

 This was a puppy dog party in case you couldn't tell.  We had water bowls for all the little puppies.....

 We had puppy treats too.....

 Look, cake in a jar!  Pretty cute, huh...  I'd like to say this was my idea, but no, I have to be honest and tell you I have found so many cool ideas on pinterest.  It's a new website that has tons of crafty ideas!!!  I love looking at that site!

 The gift bags had some candy, a chew toy for a puppy and a sugar cookie shaped like a bone!

 Dog biscuit anyone????

 Getting ready to blow out the candles!!!  We also had face painting going on.  Such cute pups they were...

 Another fun thing we did was play some games of fetch with Frisbee.  I think I upset a good number of children because I gave out prizes to the winners.  Ooops!  I thought it was a good idea?
 And last but definitely not least we had a big pan of dog food that was actually CAKE!



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