Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Fruit Loops and Home school?

This morning as I sit here with my bowl of fruit loops I'm thinking about a lot.  Mostly homeschooling.  I'll be honest, I've been quite frustrated.
But first, I've been dreaming.....
dreaming of moving!  As you can see, the apt. we live in does not have a very big park.  It's kind of amusing what they call "the park".  It consist of basically a slide beside a grassy hill.  Not too exciting.....There are many reasons though for the dream, not just the park!  :)
Our lease is coming up so we are looking at all the options!  But in other news.....

Huey is on the move inside the apt.!  He is in this discovery stage and it makes him so upset when he can't play with things such as the electrical socket and the girls school papers!  "Why, mommy, why?"  Huey says!
 So I smile and say come here and take a picture with me you major hunk!  He gives me a half smile.......
 And before we know it, school is interrupted and everyone wants in the picture....
 SCHOOL: This year I had such high hopes for the homeschooling.  Last year was the first year I had done it and I will say I was quite nervous about it all.  I was never the valedictorian of my class or anything like that so I wanted to be sure that the girls got the education that they deserved.  In light of these feelings I decided to go with the accredited program from Abeka doing the online classes.  Let me say this is a great program!  But, after 2 years I think I've concluded that it's not the best for little ones, and that I remember more than I thought I did!
 We are all ready for this school year to be over with and honestly it makes me sad that it's turned out that way.  But as I look at everything I think I started this whole thing off wrong by being afraid and making the "safe" decision.  Is accredited really that important?  I'm thinking that next year the girls will go to elementary school, but that's not to say they won't home school in the years to come.  For next year, I think we just all need a break, and I can take that time to figure out how to go about this better.
 For starters I wish Emma would have continued her violin lessons.  I had always thought Lola would follow right behind her taking them as well.  Also we haven't been involved with any home school groups either.  This is totally my fault.  After our move and then the addition of Huey to our family I just felt overwhelmed I think. 
 I know good things are in store and I'm excited.  I know I can do this better, I've just got to figure it out for our family.  :) 
 So, how about you?  Do you have any great home schooling tips for me?  If so, I'd love to hear them! 

 This is just what has been on my mind and heart lately.  I love my kids so much and I always want what's best for them!



  1. (((((((((Julia)))))))))) Don't be so hard on yourself. As a homeschooler for 4 1/2 years, I know exactly how you feel. The one half year was because I threw in the towel after adding Ryan into the group.
    I think you have to realize that all kids are different and each have their own individual needs. I also believe that only God knows exactly what that child needs. So, you, as their parent have a very special place of intersession that isn't replaceable by an outside teacher. I do know there are some godly teachers that do have a real burden for those children but still, you have more. So don't give up easily but on the other hand, if you feel you need a break...take it!!
    This is what I got from it years later...the bad times will be forgotten and you will have MANY good memories.
    One story...We lived in a house with a fireplace and hearth for most of our homeschooling years. Grandma had given us a nut bowl made out of a carved tree trunk. It had holes in the middle for the nut cracker and pick. No one ever ate those nuts! One day, in desperation, I'm sure, I came up with a great idea. I decided that we would crack open an almond and if there were two nuts inside, we didn't have to do school that day. How many times did that happen, you ask.....maybe 2 or 3. To hear Ryan tell it, we got up every morning and cracked an almond to see if we had to do school or not. LOL You and I both know that if we had done that on a regular basis we would still be trying to accomplish the school year.
    Head up and don't be so hard on yourself. You have done an amazing job!!! Whatever memories you have made will never be undone.

    1. Aunt Linda, It's crazy, but I just realized that I never saw this comment! Thank you so much for your encouragement! I'm excited to say that after I posted this blog I received a lot of great homeschooling advice. It was awesome. I sat down with the girls and we looked through a different curriculum and we all decided together to give it another try this year making a lot of adjustments. I have no idea how it will end but I'm excited and so are they! I think I just got into a rut and I really just needed to make a lot of changes. Having Huey and homeschooling was hard on me but I think I'm getting the hang of it. God is good, and I'm excited to see what this year holds! I will be updating the homeschool page on this blog too as we continue on! :)
