Saturday, July 28, 2012

A New Name

Look at this beautiful cake I found on 
Is this not one of the prettiest cakes you've ever seen?
One day, I'm gonna have a sewing party and make an awesome sewing cake just like this one.  Wouldn't that be fun?

Well, it's been a bit of a quiet weekend for me which was great!  It allowed me some time on the computer today.  And so, I've decided to change the name of the blog.  I thought it was time.  I am no longer making cakes like I use to and I've added so much to it.  Now, why has the weekend been quiet you ask?  Well.....

My big girl Emma has made her very first trip to camp this weekend with our church!  I was so excited for her but nervous as well.  She was excited and nervous too.  :)  I do hope she is having so much fun.  Guess we will find out tomorrow.

Lola decided she wanted to have an exciting weekend as well.  She planned a slumber party with her Pawpaw and Grandma.  I think they were even going to the Build a Bear workshop!  Lola is my girl that has fun no matter where and what she's doing.  So, there is no concern there, I know she's having fun! 

Huey decided to take a 2 1/2 hour nap today too!!!  
It was SO quiet!  
While I was on the computer I found this. Look at one of our projects we are going to be doing this year in our home schooling!  I found these ragdoll patterns in
Emma has told me so many times that she wants to learn how to sew, so I thought this would be a fun project for us to do together.   Now Lola really liked the cooking days that we had last year and wants to continue that for this year.  Since I can't do everything I think we will alternate every 6 weeks between sewing and cooking maybe.  It's gonna be a busy year.  :)

Huey is missing his big sister's for sure!  Hope your weekend has been great.


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